Exact Energy Consortium
Complaints Policy and Procedure
At Exact Energy Consortium we take complaints seriously and have the following procedures developed as the minimum standards our Clients may expect and strive to exceed all minimum guidelines by the regulator.
The procedure is avail to any existing or potential client on a Free of Charge basis, This can be supplied by email, post or downloaded from our website
Our contact details are listed on the website and are Exact Energy Consortium 7 Wellington Place Cheddar BS27 3HL tel 07427654233 (Direct mobile)
All complaints are recorded and kept for ten years. The complaint will have a unique reference number. A senior manager will respond with 2 days to acknowledge receipt of the comp;aint by email and if the client is willing have a verbal discussion to fully understand any grievance or disappointment
Steps on the Complaint Handling Procedure
- The Client contacts Exact Energy Consortium to say they wish to raise a complaint.
- Exact Energy Consortium will send a copy of our Complaints procedure usually within 24 hours but no later than 72 hours. (This is also available on our website.)
- The Complaint is logged at our office and a summary is made for Managers to discuss what went wrong (In the client’s opinion) We try to understand where the lack of communication or fall in expectations may have happened between ourselves and the Client.
- We discuss our understanding with the Client and try to resolve this to the Client’s satisfaction. This may be a full apology, a goodwill gesture or financial compensation to try to improve the situation. At all stages we will treat the Client with respect and be calm and courteous, attribute no blame and work with the client as an opportunity to further understand their needs and use this as an opportunity for further staff training.
- The Client will be contacted with our summary and is encouraged to submit further points not fully identified and included. Once agreed this summary will be addressed as the starting point of our investigation and the basis for the Report on our findings with this complaint
- We aim to have all complaints investigated within 14 days, if this is not possible as we are waiting for external information beyond our control we will give a periodic update to the client. If we have all the information we expect to have the complaint resolved within 21 days. We will update the Client at every stage of the process so there is full communication and an expectation of the next stage of the process. We will always be impartial and accept responsibility for any failing as soon as discovered and use this as a tool for our aim at 100% Complete Client Satisfaction.
- Once we have finished our internal investigation we will contact the Client with our report. This will usually be done within 21 days. If the client does not accept our findings after our report is submitted and no later than 8 weeks if we are waiting for information then we will support any escalation to the Ombudsman Service, cooperate fully and be bound by their findings.